Physiotherapy in Sherwood Park

Physiotherapy in Sherwood Park for the Treatment of the Back Pain

Physiotherapists assist people suffering from injuries, illnesses or disabilities through exercise and movement manual therapy, education, and assistance.

They keep people healthy of all ages, assisting patients in controlling pain and preventing illness.

The profession is a great way to promote the development of people and aid in recovery, allowing individuals to work while staying independent for as long as possible and that’s the reason Physiotherapy in Sherwood Park is great way deal in all kind of the back pain.

What causes lower back pain?

Back pain in the lower back is a frequent source of discomfort among people. It is caused by a range of lifestyles or habits, such as sitting for prolonged durations of time, ongoing health problems, insufficient fitness levels and carrying weighty objects. Suppose you recognize low back discomfort as an issue for you and consult your doctor about it. In that case, they’ll usually recommend a month-long program of physical therapy to build your body and alleviate the discomfort. If physiotherapy doesn’t work, treatment alternatives such as surgery might need to be considered.

Lower back pain is available in two forms of pain: localized and radiating. Localized pain is only felt in the lower back area and your buttocks. Radiating pain can be felt in either your legs or your feet. The pain radiates can also be regarded as numbness on one or both legs or a tingling feeling.

Risk Factors to Low Back Pain

Lower back pain could be due to a myriad of causes. Poor posture (especially while sitting at home, work or office) is standard.

As for tight hamstrings, when hamstrings don’t stretch enough to allow an upward bend and back muscles take the load or stretch. After a few weeks of repetition, this may cause back strain. The weak core muscles are the most significant risk factors and often require abdominal space and stabilization (Transverses abdominis) to address the problem.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that leg pain is often a result of or directly related to issues with your back, even if you’re experiencing back discomfort.

The short and long of it is that the place where you hurt is not always the place where the issue is

or, conversely, even if you’re not experiencing back pain does not mean there’s no problem with your back that requires to be addressed to relieve discomfort elsewhere.

How can physiotherapy aid in lower back discomfort?

Physiotherapy in Sherwood Park is among the most effective ways to treat lower backaches. There’s a lot of research supporting the methods we employ. The majority of cases that are afflicted by lower back discomfort respond to a treatment program that consists of manual therapy as well as exercise that is graded. Manual therapy may include massage, manipulations and joint mobilizations. These techniques ease discomfort and aid in restoring motion. The exercise program typically comprises the combination of a range of motion exercises and mobility exercises, as well as leg and trunk strengthening exercises and gradually returning to normal activities.

Exercises for lower back pain

To help prevent and ease less severe lower back pain, physical therapists suggest performing the following exercises each day, at least twice daily.

Supine bridge

Relax on your back and place your legs on the floor by your side, your legs bent at your knees, and your feet lying flat on the ground. Then, tighten your abdominals and glutes and gradually lift your hips off the floor while ensuring your back is straight. After that, slowly lower your hips and butt back to the floor. Perform ten times.

Bird Dog

Take a seat on your fours, placing your feet on the floor directly underneath both shoulders and your knees under your hips. Keep your head aligned with your spine. Lift your right arm with your left leg straight ahead until both are aligned with the floor. Then, stop and return to the beginning position. Repeat the exercise with the left arm and right leg. Ensure you keep your abdominal muscles tight with your back straight and your hips in a straight line during the training. Perform ten repetitions per side.

Bird Dog

Take a seat on your fours, placing your hands directly underneath both shoulders and your knees directly beneath your hips. Keep your head aligned with your spine. Lift your right arm upwards while keeping your left foot straight until both are equal to the floor. Then, stop, and return to the beginning position.

Child’s Pose

While still sitting on your knees and hands, push your butt back to your heels with your knees a little apart. Then, as you lower your back to your knees, extend your arms out over your head and then place your forehead near or on the floor. Keep this posture for 20-30 minutes.

Double Knee-to-Chest Stretch

Lying on your back, both legs bent, and your feet are flat on the floor. Then, lift your feet, draw both knees towards your chest, and hug them by extending your arms. Keep this posture for 20-30 seconds while ensuring your back is relaxed on the floor. Then, release. Repeat this process several times.

Lower Back Rotation Stretch

Relax on your back, lie on it, and bend your knees, so your feet are flat on the floor. Keep your shoulders square on the floor and your knees in a straight line as you slowly move to the right side of your body. Take five seconds to pause before slowly returning your knees to the position they were in before. Slowly let your knees move towards the left side of your body. Pause for five seconds before returning to the original work. Repeat this many times on the opposite side.


To relieve lower back pain, call Refresh Health and Wellness because they provide the top physiotherapy in Sherwood Park.

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