Basic Security Training is the streamlined replacement course for Basic Standards 1 and Basic Standards 2. The course is a mandatory licensing course in BC and is designed to prepare students for employment in the security industry. To learn more about the objectives of Basic Security Training, visit the Justice Institute of British Columbia’s website. Basic security training provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary to work in a security position, including patrolling public spaces and helping to prevent criminal activity.
Personal safety
Basic security training for personal safety can help to protect you while on the road or at home. The course covers topics such as personal safety and situational awareness, communications, travel safety, weapons awareness, basic life support, and stress first aid and cpr course. It is also useful for those with children. The program is practical and interactive.
Basic security training for personal safety is important for both employees and employers. It is important to train all employees, including telecommuters, on how to stay safe. Basic safety training teaches common sense safety practices and empowers employees to take action when an incident occurs. If an employee is a member of the public safety team, they are better equipped to respond appropriately.

Canine security training
Canine basic security training teaches a dog to channel its natural instincts for protection. Successfully trained dogs are sociable and attached to their owners. They do not display negative behaviors unless they have no companionship to share with. This training is not for every dog. A dog may have to undergo several sessions before it is ready for security duties.
Some breeds of dogs are naturally wary of unfamiliar people and objects. The training makes them aware of these and evaluates threats accordingly. This is a critical part of the protection training.
Those who wish to pursue a career in security must first obtain a basic security training certification. This certification is usually obtained after successfully completing a training course. It is a requirement by state law for those seeking employment as security guards. This eight-hour course covers the basic responsibilities of a security guard. Upon completion of the course, candidates will receive a certificate to submit to the Department of State for licensing.
After completing a basic security training course, it is possible to move on to more advanced security courses. Some security training certifications, such as the SSCP (Security+) certification, require a high level of experience in the field. Other certifications may require higher levels of expertise and a higher level of education.

Course length
Basic security training programs are typically a minimum of 40 hours long, with optional Emergency Level First Aid certification. The course length includes both in-class and outside class time. Outside class time refers to pre-reading time. All other training methods are conducted in the classroom. While course length is a minimum, the actual course duration may vary based on the needs and ability of students.
Basic security training courses can be a full-day or half-day course, and are designed to prepare students to take the provincial exam. The training includes a student manual, interactive discussion, video-based exercises, and a mandatory exam. The course concludes with a two-hour final examination. The course also provides a free half-day review for the exam.
The cost of basic security training varies widely depending on where you get it. Some programs are free of charge while others cost thousands of dollars. The cost depends on the length of the course, how many instructors you have, and how much hands-on work you do. The higher-priced programs are typically more in-depth and provide valuable credentials.
Many security guard certification programs take 45 to 80 hours of classroom instruction. These courses may be completed in three weeks or six months. Depending on the school, security guard certification programs range from $700 to $2000. Higher-cost training programs will provide more information and higher quality training, which will improve your job prospects. While some programs are free, you should avoid them because they are not usually reputable and are not equipped to help you in a real-world situation. Some employers will offer training to their new employees. In addition, many states offer formal educational security guard certification programs.